Local Techno Futures Introduction: Motivations, Approach & Outcomes

Local Techno Futures is a

  • co-experimental
  • hyperlocal
  • contextual
  • Creative visioning
  • sustained engagement

exercise that Aruvu is undertaking in collaboration with various practitioners and young adults from Bidar, Channapatna and Kundapura.

Co-experimental: We want to co-experiment with two groups of people broadly

  • Creative practitioners
  • Young adults

to build future worlds that re-imagine current practices of creative labour for the future.

Hyperlocal: We want these visions of the future to be generated not from Silicon Valley ideas of the Technology. We believe that a local technological future needs to be built from and by the ground it is being used in. This includes

  • understanding the ways that current mainstream technology
    • was imagined
    • was selected to be developed out of many alternatives
    • was remixed and reused in different places in Karnataka
  • Understanding how the current creative (the act of creating) practices came to be
    • with creative practitioners in Bidar
    • with health practitioners from Channapatna
    • with practices of health education/communication

Contextual: This is where the experiments are sitting

  • with the practices and lived experience of creative practitioners in Bidar
  • with the practices and lived experience of health practitioners in Channapatna
  • with the lived experience of understanding and working with their sexual and reproductive health of young adults in Kundapura, Channapatna, Bidar

These ‘contexts’ (worlds, environments, grounds) give the practitioners a rich collection of ideas to base their experiments on.

Creative visioning: We believe visioning in this case needs a few ingredients

  • local and regional histories of practices
  • lived experience of the practioners
  • a collection of past stories of people who attempted to create a local and regional future
  • a sustained and long-term engagement that focuses on production, prototyping and presenting these built future worlds

These 4 ingredients help us

  • learn from specific pasts
  • observe from specific presents
  • to build for specific local futures

Sustained Engagement: The engagements we have designed to bring about these specific futures are in three broad forms

  • A residency - a fixed set of invited participants with whom we co-build around their practices continuously for 3 months
  • A workshop series - a floating set of participants invited to a workshop series to slowly and repeatedly build future worlds around their practices
  • A continued living archive - with a set of local young adult archivists who build an archive of lived experiences around Sexual and reproductive health